What is IreLAND?
IreLAND is an Ireland-wide network supporting and creating permaculture Learning And Network Demonstration (LAND) Centres. The aim of IreLAND is to demonstrate practical examples of permaculture design in various different places, micro-climates, and cultures throughout the island of Ireland. These include urban and rural home gardens, community gardens, public spaces, allotments, smallholdings and farms.
These LAND Centres meet our criteria of adequately integrating permaculture to a well-developed standard. They are open to visitors and offer opportunities for learning.
If a project is in the early stages of integrating permaculture they can become a LAND Learner and progress towards LAND Centre status as and when they are ready. If a project doesn’t meet Learner criteria, they can join as a LAND Member to stay in the loop with the project’s developments. Each category – Centre, Learner and Member – receive different levels of support from the IreLAND core team, each according to their needs.
See The Guide below for details if you are interested in applying.
Why ScotLAND?
It’s an amazing opportunity for all people who are practising permaculture in Scotland to have recognition for their great work, to link them in with similar projects, to advertise them on our website, and to attract more visitors and volunteers. ScotLAND Centres are internationally recognisable sites of permaculture activity, and groups have been known to travel from abroad in order to get in on the action!
The project is also there to make permaculture more accessible for the wider population; permaculture is so much easier explained when you can see it in action. The Centres in our network are excellent points of contact for anyone living in, or passing through, Scotland who wants to learn more about permaculture. Visiting ScotLAND Centres is an inspiring experience for people, projects, communities, and of course Scotland too.
How is it different to the LAND project in England?
You may already know about the Permaculture Association’s LAND project in England, on which ScotLAND is based. We are adapting this model to our people and our land.
In actual fact there is very little difference, apart from the funding which is available to keep each project running. Applicants to the ScotLAND Project are assessed exclusively by Scottish-based Diploma Tutors; however, the LAND Advisory Group (the board which gives the final say on Centre accreditation) is made up of volunteers from England, Scotland and Wales.
ScotLAND is currently the only LAND Project with funded support to help expand the network and arrange group visits.
Who can get involved?
Anyone who lives in Scotland and is interested in permaculture with a permaculture project. If you have a project which you would like to be either a ScotLAND Centre or a Learner please read the guide below, and if you think you are ready to apply please fill in the application form.